Secrets to Success: Rule #6

Its not ever like shooting fish in a barrel to offset a business, build a blog readership, or quit your desk task to pursue your handmade housewares line full-fourth dimension. In fact, its almost e'er quite challenging at times. So, I started a series that tells it similar it is"¦the good, the bad, and the completely "˜Girl, I cant believe yous went there." Secrets to success that accept been learned along the way. This is where we left off last week"¦

Let me ask you something. How do y'all discover the answer to a question y'all don't already know? Something that relates to your business that you just can't effigy out on your own? Does it merely magically come to you or do y'all have to go searching for it?

I'm guessing 9 times out of x, you go searching for it. Right? Of grade! You have to be resourceful to get the information you demand when you can't effigy information technology out on your own. That is one of the secrets to success, subsequently all.

So where do you wait? Well, the internet for starters, and maybe a friend or a colleague if y'all tin't detect what you are looking for online or in a book. Merely what if the person you asked knew 'the respond', but refused to share it with y'all? How would that brand you feel?

Pretty crappy, I'd imagine. And you'd probably be left feeling a fiddling confused and maybe even a bit injure too.

So now, let's reverse things. What if you were the 1 with 'the answer' that someone was desperately searching for and you decided to stay close lipped and didn't share? What are you agape of? Are you worried that if you share your secrets to success with someone else, they volition become more successful than you lot?

Well, estimate what?

There is plenty of room at the top and sharing your knowledge and experiences with your friends, colleagues, and clients is perfectly okay. In fact, it's recommended.

You may be a solopreneur, but you're not lone.

There is no penalisation for revealing your secrets.

Build a group of friends and colleagues you can trust and swap stories oftentimes. Don't be afraid to 'give information technology all away'. Your friend'southward success volition be yours equally well.

Don't go me wrong. I'm non maxim your should share your unique lavender soap recipe with a competitor, or your apparel patterns with someone else who wants to sell similar items. But there is no reason why you can't share what has 'worked for you' with a peer who is just starting out or swap stories and experiences with a colleague to brainstorm a growth path for the future.

This is what successfully people do. They share their experiences with other people in the customs – go back and along with ideas and brainstorm new ones, share horror stories, give advice…

"Oh, you've been using Pinterest to build your blog readership over the last six months? Cool. Have you tried such-and-such? I've been doing _______ and it's been working for me, Only I'k having trouble with _______. Any ideas on how I tin can move past that?

These are the kinds of conversations that are happening every day in the community effectually yous. Will y'all join in or sit on the sidelines and watch people pass you by?

epitome credit: Brittni Mehlhoff for papernstitch

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